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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Grocery Giveaway - St. Johns Nutri-Lawn

Nutri-Lawn of St. Johns NFLD recently ran a 'Grocery Give-a-way' campaign. They had an online entry...

Spring Lawn Diseases – What to Look For? | Nutri-Lawn Burlington

You may have noticed some odd patches starting to show in the grass around your home. What is it?...

Eco-Friendly Lawn Care | Nutri-lawn Vancouver

Unlike many areas in Canada where landscaping with snow is the norm, lawn maintenance is a year...

Getting Rid of Moss from Your Damp Yard | Nutri-Lawn Ottawa

If you have a shaded, damp yard, chances are you are dealing with moss growing everywhere,...

Dandelions: The Good, Bad, & Ugly | Nutri-Lawn Ottawa

We know spring has arrived in Ottawa when we look out our yards and they are dotted with yellow. It...

Lawn Care - When Do I Do What?

If you are a new homeowner, you’ll have lots of questions, especially about keeping your lawn in...

Spring Lawn Care - What to do in May

Ontario’s climate is unique in that winters can range from mild to harsh and summers can be cool...

Nutri-Lawn Irrigation – Wireless Rain Sensor

No wires. No hassle. Just reliable rain sensing that provides optimum water savings. Toro® ...

Season Long Balanced Lawn Fertilizer

A balanced fertility program is one of the most essential components to maintaining an Ecology...

Dandelion Root

Dandelions are one of the most notorious broadleaf weeds that commonly infest home lawns....