Ground Ivy (Creeping Charlie)
Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
Ground Ivy, is also commonly know as Creeping Charlie to...
Common Lawn Problems - Lawn Thatch Accumulation
Lawn thatch can be described as a tight and fibrous layer of living, dead and decaying organic...
Common Lawn Problems: Bentgrass means a Slow Spring Green Up
Have you ever wondered why some sections of the lawn are slow to green up and take longer to come...
Weed of the Week – Canadian Thistle
Canada Thistle (cirsium arvense)
Life Cycle – Perennial broadleaf weed
Growth Habit – Erect,...
Controlling Broadleaf Weeds
Spot Spraying Weeds
Depending on the level of weed infestation, spot or blanket spray...
Insect of the Week: Ants
Ants are mainly considered a beneficial insect as they relate to lawns. Several species of ants...
Weed of the Week: Dandelions (taraxacum officinale)
Identification – Bright Yellow blossoms, followed by white “puffball” seedhead
Life Cycle –...
Mowing Equipment - Making the Right Choice
There are many different lawn mower options and selecting the right equipment for your property is...
Insects of the Week: Earthworms / Night Crawlers
Earthworms are considered beneficial insects for lawns. They naturally aerate the soil, improve...