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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Common Lawn Problems: Why is My Lawn Going to Seed?

Every year, usually beginning in the month of May and into mid-June, many lawns begin to show signs...

Nutri-Lawn Employee Profiles - Get to Know the Team! - Joe Tanner

Joe Tanner has been with Nutri-Lawn since 2003 and brings a wealth of experience in lawn care.

Nutri-Lawn Irrigation – Toro Precision Soil Sensor

Toro's Precision Soil Moisture Sensor's innovative, wireless technology will keep your sprinklers...

Lawn Fertilizing - Not Doing-it-Yourself

Burning a lawn with too much fertilizer or stripping a lawn where fertilizer is not evenly applied...

Nutri-Lawn Employee Profiles - Get to Know the Team! - Ben Filek

Ben Filek is a Customer Service Representative for Halifax.

Nutri-Lawn Irrigation – Landscape Drip Irrigation

With higher water costs in our future, it makes more sense than ever to use inline drip irrigation...

Choosing the Right Lawn Care Company - Nutri-Lawn Burlington

We all lead busy lives and keeping our lawns healthy and green take time and energy. It’s easier to...

Lawn Mowing Tips for Vancouver Homes

On a warm spring weekend, you’ll hear the hum of lawn mowers and most people just view it as an...

Have Lawn Damage? June is the Time for Over-seeding & Fertilizer!

As your yard is starting to green up and grow, you may notice some unusual patches in your grass...

Nutri-Lawn Employee Profiles - Get to Know the Team! - Drew Budgen

Drew Bugden has been with Nutri-Lawn for 9 years and this is his second year in Moncton, NB.