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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Mowing Your Lawn - What You've Been Doing Wrong

Sunny Spring weekends are usually filled with the hum of lawn mowing. It’s kind of a domino effect...

Dealing with Moss in the Month of May | Nutri-Lawn Vancouver

Moss in your lawn in a problem for many Vancouver lawns. No matter what you seem to do each year,...

Facts on Fertilizer | Nutri-Lawn Ottawa

We all know that fertilizer is important to having a beautiful green lawn, but why? How does it...

Weed of the Week: Yarrow

Yarrow (achillea millefolium)

Life Cycle – Perennial broadleaf weed

Growth Habit – Mat-forming


The Art of Mowing - Safety First!

Understanding the safety requirements before mowing your lawn is a very important first step. Lawn...

Technique Matters! Proper Mowing Techniques

When done properly there are several mowing techniques that can make a big difference and impact...

Weed of the Week: Curly Dock

Curly Dock (Rumex crispus)

Life Cycle – Perennial broadleaf weed

Growth Habit – Basal rosette 


Common Mowing Problems!

Poor lawn maintenance practices and techniques can affect the condition of a lawn and cause...

Natural Dandelion Killer

There are several natural dandelion killer products that are effective at controlling dandelion...

How to Kill Dandelions

There are many different options when determining how to effectively kill dandelions. Dandelions...