Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
Ground Ivy, is also commonly know as Creeping Charlie to homeowners and industry professionals. It is an aggressive low growing perennial broadleaf weed that grows and fills in like a mat and is very difficult to control. It favors moist, shaded areas that are maintained at a low height of cut, but it can also tolerate full sun conditions.
Life Cycle – Perennial broadleaf weed
Growth Habit – Prostrate
Leaves – Round, kidney or heart shaped with broad rounded teeth on margins
Roots – Creeping stolons, fibrous
Flower Colour – Purple
Control – Difficult to control
It spreads by above ground stolons that allow it to quickly fill in voids across the lawn and crowd out surrounding turf. Hand weeding is not an effective method of removal as the stem and runners can run several feet long. The stems of ground ivy are square shaped and the leaves are characterized by their coin shape with rounded teeth along the margins. Ground ivy has a mint odor when its freshly cut or crushed. It flowers for a short time during the spring with orchid like purple flowers.
Ground ivy looks very similar to and is often mistaken for common mallow and henbit. Selective post emergent weed control products can be used to help minimize and eliminate infestations.
Creeping charlie is rather competitive and even the best cared for lawns may have some. Post-emergent selective control options are available and are relatively effective.
If you're interested in our Fiesta Weed Control services please click HERE or click below to request a quote.