There are many different lawn mower options and selecting the right equipment for your property is essential. Here are the various mowing equipment options.
Ride-on mowers are commonly used for large properties to save time as they are faster and have a large mowing width. They are also a popular choice for lawn mowing service companies.
Manual walk-behind mowers are most commonly used by homeowners. Most mowers are self-propelled or manual push and are great for mowing lawns that are small in size.
Rotary Mower
A rotary mower is a mower in which the cutting blade spins horizontally very quickly and uses a vacuum sucking action to stand the grass up and cut the blades of the grass off as it spins.
Reel Mower
A reel mower is a mower in which the cutting blades spin vertically and use a scissoring action to cut the blades of grass. A Typical reel has 3 to 7 blades depending on the desired height of cut.
A line or string trimmer is commonly used to trim along edges, landscaping, fence lines, and around tree areas where the mower cannot maneuver or cut close enough.