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2 min read

Weed of the Week: Dandelions (taraxacum officinale)

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Identification – Bright Yellow blossoms, followed by white “puffball” seedhead

Life Cycle – Perennial broadleaf weed

Growth Habit – Basal Rosette

Leaves – Leaf margins deeply lobed, pointing in towards rosette

Roots – Thick, deep central taproot

Control Options – selective or non selective

Control – Easy to control

Dandelion is one of the most widely recognized broadleaf weeds in North America.  Dandelion can be found everywhere from home lawns, gardens, roadsides, meadows, forests etc.  Dandelions feature bright yellow flowers produced on individual stalks.  It reproduces by seeds which appear as a white puffball seedhead replacing the flower.  Seeds are then disseminated by wind or by means of mechanical distribution from mowing and foot traffic. 

The thick and deep central taproot make dandelions difficult to control by cutting or hand pulling without ensuring the entire root has been removed.  The leaves form in a rosette and are deeply lobed, with the lobes pointing in towards the base. 
Dandelions are very competitive and even the best cared for lawns may have some.  Post-emergent selective control is the best option.  Popular products such as Killex and Weed-B-Gon, containing 2,4-D, Mecoprop, and Dicamba are effective at controlling dandelion. 
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