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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Weed of the Week - Common Chickweed

Common Chickweed (Stelleria media)

Life Cycle – Winter annual

Growth Habit – Prostrate

Leaves –...

Late Summer Lawn Care - Nutri-Lawn Burlington

With summer winding to a close and back to school shopping in full swing, it’s easy to forget about...

Lawn Care For Newbies: Basic Terms Part 2 - Nutri-Lawn Vancouver

In our last article for those just being introduced to the wonderful world of lawn care, we learned...

Weed of the Week - Henbit

Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule)

Henbit is a winter annual that is commonly found across Canada and the...

Fall Lawn Weeds: Prepare for Battle - Nutri-Lawn Burlington

Spring and fall, the best 2 seasons for weeds to invade your lawn. As you wander outdoors to take a...

Why Choosing the Right Lawn Care Company Matters

When it comes to your home’s property value, nothing increases curb appeal more than flawless...

Summer Fun! - Lawn Twister

What you need for Nutri-Lawn Twister:

  1. 1 large pizza box
  2. 4 cans of colored water based paint pray...

2015 Rutgers Field Day - University Turfgrass Research

In a continuing effort to learn about the latest research in turfgrass science, Nutri-Lawn...

Beating the Heat with a Green Lawn

Summer Lawn Tips and how a green lawn can help beat the heat! 

Did you know that keeping your lawn...

Summer Fun! - Nutri "Lawn Bowling"

What you need for summer fun 'Nutri-Lawn Bowling':

  1. 10 x 2L Pop bottles ( Empty) cleaned and dry...