Common Chickweed (Stelleria media)
Life Cycle – Winter annual
Growth Habit – Prostrate
Leaves – Opposite arrangement, egg-shaped, pointed at the apex
Roots – fibrous and shallow
Flower Colour – White
Control – Easy to Control
Common Chickweed is a Winter annual broadleaf weed that is commonly found across Canada and the US. Common chickweed grows well in moist shaded areas and forms dense prostrate patches that can tolerate low mowing heights. Common chickweed leaves are opposite each other and are egg shaped with a pointed apex. The stems are sometimes hairy or smooth on newer growth. Small clusters of white flowers (daisy-like petals) are present during the spring. The flowers have 5 notched petals. Common chickweed is often mistaken for mouse-ear chickweed as it looks very similar but the shape of the leaves are more oblong and covered with soft hairs.
Common Chickweed is generally considered easy to control weed that can be effectively controlled with multiple selective post emergent applications throughout the season.
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