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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Keep Your Lawn Green In The Summer Heat

It’s only June, but the heat and lack of rain are already taking a toll on many lawns. And the hot...

Prevent Summer Heat Damage To Your Lawn

It might be June but it feels like July out there! It’s hot! This heat wave is already taking its...

Summer Lawn Games: Giant Jenga

With a notoriously short Summer, Canadians relish any chance to enjoy the outdoors. The weather is...

Brown Lawn? We Can Help!

Summer is here! It’s time to be outside, out on the patio, out in the yard, hopefully on your green...

Lawn Care Tips For A Green Lawn This Summer

We expect a lot from our lawns in Burlington. No matter the weather, rainfall, wear and tear, or...

4 Summer Lawn Care Tips

Most homeowners have high expectations for their lawns. We coax and prod life into our lawns...

Simple Solutions To Get Rid Of Moss

While some enjoy moss so much that they create entire Japanese-style gardens with it, other...

3 Reasons You Might Have Moss In Your Lawn

When there’s a bad smell in your house, spraying air freshener only masks the problem. You have to...

Why You Have Moss And How To Get Rid Of It

Moss is one of those lawn care problems that require some detective work to discover the cause of...

How To Get Rid of Lawn Mushrooms

Mushrooms can be annoying if you take pride in your lawn's appearance, but they're perfectly...