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2 min read

Lawn Care Tips For A Green Lawn This Summer

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We expect a lot from our lawns in Burlington. No matter the weather, rainfall, wear and tear, or soil conditions we want green, lush lawns. Further, many of us would like our lawns to stay green all summer with little effort on our part. Sound unreasonable? We think we can get you pretty close to this ideal.
The cool season grasses popular in Canada (fescue, rye, bluegrass, etc.) thrive in cooler, wet temperatures – more like we see in spring and fall. However, these grasses do have a natural defense against the extreme summer weather which is to go dormant until favourable conditions return. A lawn will only do a small number of dormant and active cycles in a growing season before the plants may struggle to even survive let alone stay green and thrive.

We want to help your lawn stay green this summer!

Water Wisely

Don’t wait until your lawn has gone dormant to water it. Watering a dormant lawn without committing to maintaining that additional watering schedule will only force your lawn to go dormant again (see point above). Your lawn needs consistent (think once a week) watering. Avoid just wetting the soil, but water enough so the water reaches the roots. It’s best to water first thing in the morning because this will prevent mold and fungus growth in hot weather.

Hand in hand with proper watering technique is using best practices for mowing your lawn.

Fertilize in Spring and Fall

It’s tempting, when you see your lawn struggling a little in the heat to add some fertilizer to your lawn care routine. After all, some extra nutrients are sure to help give the lawn a bit of a boost, right? Nope! The best times to fertilize your lawn are spring and fall because those seasons are better suited to giving new grass shoots a good start. Wait until a dormant lawn has greened up again to fertilize (usually fall). Ask our experts about the exceptions to fertilizing in the summer.

High-Traffic Areas Will Suffer

The grass in high-traffic areas will suffer in the drought conditions often present in June, July, and August. Before the grass disappears, you can change the route you take across your lawn. It will be difficult to keep a well-worn path green. You may be wise to consider using stones, pavers, or some other material and accept that grass won’t grow in that spot.

Weeds LOVE Summer!

The problem with weeds is that they are often better equipped to deal with the heat and drought of the summer than grass is. When the grass gets stressed or goes dormant, the weeds thrive and spread further. Before the weeds go to seed, maintain your weed control routine (either through Nutri-Lawn Burlington or on your own) throughout the summer. Summer is when weeds spread their seeds so they can come back full force next spring. On the bright side, it’s easier to find the green weeds on a brown lawn so you won’t have to hunt as much!

Contact the lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Burlington today to give your lawn the edge over weeds and extreme weather this summer.

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