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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

How To Diagnose A Chinch Bug Problem

Do you have circular dead patches in your lawn or bits of sunken lawn where weeds pop up in...

Chinch Bug Damage

Summer heat is in full effect and lawns are now showing signs of browning out. Be aware, this could...

Summer Lawn Care Tips For New Homeowners

May and June are some of the most popular months to buy a house in Canada. When it’s your first...

Must-Have Lawn Care Tools For New Homeowners

Buying a new house is a very exciting time. You’ve already painted, maybe bought some new curtains...

New Homeowners Guide To Summer Lawn Care

We know that a lot of Canadians are buying their first house, or simply moving to a new home...

Are Summer Fertilizers Right For Your Lawn?

Do you take care of your lawn? Do you aerate and dethatch, water properly, overseed when...

Keep Your Lawn Green With Summer Fertilizer

Are you a homeowner who fastidiously cares for your lawn? You’re sure to overseed when necessary,...

Summer Fertilizer: Is It Right For Your Lawn?

Do you work on your own lawn? Do you aerate and dethatch, water properly, overseed when...

The Benefits Of Having Healthy Grass

Aesthetics aside, a lawn free of weeds, insects, and disease can provide a number of often...

Preventative Steps To Protect Your Lawn This Summer

It won’t be long before July and August’s heat and drought do a number on your lawn. Will your...