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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Spring brings wet, warm weather – and unfortunately, mosquitoes. More than pesky and annoying,...

8 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Now that the May long weekend is over, we can expect our early mornings and evenings especially, to...

Plants To Help You Battle Mosquitoes

The long weekend in May is over so you know what that means? The mosquitoes will be out in full...

Lawn Fertilizing: DIY Mistakes

Burning a lawn with too much fertilizer, or stripping a lawn where fertilizer isn't evenly applied...

3 Reasons Clover Is Taking Over Your Lawn

Across Canada, lawns are being infiltrated by white flowered invaders of the 3-leafed variety, and...

3 Reasons You Have Clover in Your Lawn

One of the most common questions from homeowners is how to get rid of clover in lawns. Clover is a...

How To Get Rid of Clover in Lawns

White clover is a pervasive weed that grows prolifically across Canada. Clover can be undesirable...

Ryan receives his Horticulture Certificate

A big congratulations goes out to Ryan Loveless, our Lawn Care Supervisor. He's put in months of...

Don't Throw Out Grass Clippings!

The warmer temperatures are great for the garden and lawn. Most homeowners have already had their...

4 Reasons Your New Tree or Shrub Died

While many homeowners may purchase a .99cent box of marigolds without much thought, purchasing...