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2 min read

Why You Have Moss And How To Get Rid Of It

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Moss is one of those lawn care problems that require some detective work to discover the cause of the issue. Only once the cause of the problem is identified and dealt with can the moss be removed permanently. Spending time and money on quick solutions that only deal with temporarily removing the moss is a waste.Here’s another way to look at the problem of having moss in your yard. Instead of trying to figure out how to get rid of the moss, focus your time and energy on creating conditions that favour grass instead. A healthy lawn will push out intruders over time. This solution may take a little longer, but will provide long-lasting benefits including a healthier lawn that requires less maintenance.


Some gardeners like moss. There are, in fact, more than 200 varieties available. However, if moss growing in your yard is a problem, work to create conditions that favour grass instead. Moss likes acidic, damp, shady soil. Let’s look at each of these conditions and how to create conditions that tip the scales in favour of the grass you’d rather grow.

Too much shade?

Moss loves shade and grass loves sun. Sometimes there are parts of your lawn that get a lot of shade and you can’t do a whole about that. If possible, consider trimming or removing a bush or tree to bring in more sun. Another solution is to overseed with a grass variety that is more shade tolerant. Even shade tolerant grass needs some sunlight though.

Too much moisture?

Does water pool on your lawn when it rains? The problem could be soil with a high clay content. The problem could be a drainage issue which could require a lot of work to overcome. Is the moss growing where there’s a lot of foot traffic? Compacted soil will also trap water on the surface. How much thatch is growing on your lawn? Thatch that’s too thick will trap water at the surface. There could be a very easy solution to the moisture problem so it’s worth the time to investigate the cause.

Soil too acidic?

Moss loves acidic soil and grass does not. You can get your soil tested for PH levels and then either add lime or begin a well-timed fertilizer strategy to combat this problem. For the grass to have a shot at taking over that portion of your lawn, you’ll have to amend the soil.
None of these options will work?

Sometimes the above conditions are what they are and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you have to make the best of it, why not plant hostas, ferns, bleeding hearts, azaleas, kalmia, rhododendrons or hydrangeas? All these plants love moss-favouring conditions as well.

The lawn care professionals at Nutri-Lawn Ottawa are committed to identify the root cause of the moss problem in your yard or lawn and will get to work on creating a long-term solution so you can enjoy a healthy green lawn for years to come.

Contact the experts at Nutri-Lawn Ottawa and see why we’re the best company to take care of your moss problem and all your lawn and yard maintenance needs.

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