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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Core Aeration: A Breath Of Fresh Air!

Often viewed as one of the most important things a lawn can benefit from, a core aeration service ...

Repairing Damaged Areas In Your Lawn

From time to time, lawns sustain damage. Whether you’ve added or removed a permanent or...

How To Repair Damaged Lawns

Have a lawn that’s full of sparse patches of lawn and lots of dirt? Recently removed a tree or...

3 Kinds Of Lawn Damage That's Repairable

Does your lawn have a bald spot or patches of sparse lawn? Have you recently filled in a pool, or...

Plan For Fall Lawn Care Repairs in August

August brings some of the hottest days of the year. Is your lawn struggling to survive the heat?...

5 August Lawn Care Tips

We are right in the middle of the dog-days of summer, but now’s the time to look ahead to fall and...

Fall Lawn Care Begins In August

In Burlington, August usually means another month of hot and dry weather. It’s a fantastic time of...

How To Prevent and Treat Lawn Damage By Dog Urine

Lawn damage caused by dog urine is not only an unsightly problem but also a common one. It is a...

July is Chinch Bug Season!

Hairy chinch bugs are small insects that as nymphs stay beneath the trees, shrubs, and flowers in...

Does Your Lawn Have Chinch Bugs?

Hairy Chinch Bugs can cause extensive lawn damage and begin appearing in mid-July to mid-August....