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3 min read

Must-Have Lawn Care Tools For New Homeowners

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Buying a new house is a very exciting time. You’ve already painted, maybe bought some new curtains and furniture. Now it’s time to look outside. What do you need to get your lawn in top shape? If the lawn is in great shape, all you’ll need to do is maintain it. Take heart if the lawn is not the home’s best feature. Grass is very forgiving and often you can totally transform a yard with lush turf in just a season.

In the fall, take the time fertilize and overseed your lawn. In the spring you can dethatch and aerate as needed, and if you haven’t already overseed and fertilize for the season. July and August are often hot and deliver less rain so your lawn should be fairly easy to maintain because it won’t grow that much.

Where do you start?

A well-cared for and maintained lawn can increase the value of your home by as much as 15%. That’s a big return on what doesn’t have to be a lot of work. Begin as you mean to continue, as they say. We’ve put together a short list of items to keep on hand through the summer to get your lawn maintenance started in July and August.

Lawnmower – Depending on the size of your lawn, budget and personal preference, you’ll need to purchase a lawnmower. New or used, be sure the blades are sharpened because a dull blade will damage and stress the grass. Grass is already under stress in the heat and dry weather of July and August, so don’t compound the problem by ripping and tearing as you mow instead of cleanly cutting the blades of grass.

Trimmer – Trimmers are very handy to have around to keep the grass neat and trim around the various obstacles your yard might offer such as walkways, patios, planters, gardens, or trees. Trimming the yard shouldn’t take too long and it goes a long way to keeping your yard looking neat and tidy.

Grass Seed – Grass seed is one of those things you should keep on hand. You’ll want to wait until the fall or spring to overseed the lawn, but as you pull weeds from the lawn over the summer drop a handful of grass seed in the hole. The best way to keep weeds out of your lawn is to have thick lush turf.

Bag Of Soil – As you’re pulling weeds and dropping seeds down this summer, adding a handful of triple mix to the routine will keep your grass happy. Triple mix is the best to keep on hand, it’s an equal blend of top soil, compost and peat moss – everything new grass seed needs to thrive.

Want to fix your lawn but don’t know where to start, or don’t have the time? Call the lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver for a free consultation today. Our friendly team can provide expert advice and create a strategy to make your lawn the envy of the neighbourhood in no time!

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