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Shawn Karn, The Grass Expert

Debunking Lawn Care Myths

Ever been told that more water equals a healthier lawn? Or that short grass is better for your yard? You’re not alone.

Fall is in the Air! Time to Fertilize Your Lawn

As the vibrant colors of summer fade and the crisp air of autumn sets in, it’s time to shift our...

Protect Your Lawn from Pet Damage: Tips from Nutri-Lawn

As much as we love our furry friends, they can sometimes be tough on our lawns. From digging holes...

Protect Your Lawn from Summer Scorch

As summer temperatures soar, your lawn can suffer from heat damage, leading to brown patches,...

A Guide to Nourishing Patchy Grass with Nutri-Lawn

Having a lush, green lawn is a dream for many homeowners. However, patchy grass can quickly turn...

Got Weeds? Nutri-Lawn's Guide to a Weed-Free Lawn

Weeds are the bane of every homeowner's existence when it comes to maintaining a lush, green lawn....

5 Top Tips to Get Your Lawn Looking Its Best in April

April marks the beginning of the growing season for many lawns, and it's the perfect time to start...

What Happens Under the Snow To Your Lawn?

As the temperature starts to drop and the first snowflakes gently blanket your lawn, it's easy to...