In Burlington, August usually means another month of hot and dry weather. It’s a fantastic time of year for swimming pools and outdoor parties, but now is the time to plan ahead for fall. Most homeowners have cool season grasses on their lawn, and if you’re looking to repair your lawn, fall is the best time of year to do it.
Our lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Burlington have put together this short list of lawn care tasks that will help your lawn survive this hot August weather, but also prepare it for fall when you can up your lawn care game so in spring, you’ll have a lawn you can be proud of.
Dethatch and Aerate
The best time to dethatch and core aerate your lawn is late summer or early fall because your lawn will typically need about four weeks to recover and bounce back. You’ll want your lawn strong and healthy before the cold weather hits. If you have portions of your lawn that are prone to fungus, mold, rodents, or grubs, this is one of our most recommended treatments.
Overseed and Fertilize
Spring is a great time to fertilize, but fall may reap even more benefits because it renews your lawn in the optimal fall growing season. In spring, that fall boost will be evident with an early green lawn. Overseeding and fertilizing in the fall means you’re a step ahead in spring so in summer you have the lawn you’ve been dreaming of. Overseeding and fertilizing is especially beneficial after core aeration and dethatching has been done.
Friendly Mowing
The August heat will suck the moisture right out of the soil and the plants and your grass will wilt and brown. Raise your mower to its highest setting. This will help the grass retain more moisture in the blades and also shade the soil so it stays moist longer. If the clippings remain short, you can recycle the grass clippings for fertilizer and to help the soil retain moisture.
The most common type of grub in Canada is the larvae of the native June bug which has a three year maturation period. In the first year of that cycle, the grubs are near the surface of the lawn throughout August and in early September. If you have starlings and blackbirds searching for food on your lawn, that’s a good hint you have grubs in your lawn. The best way to mitigate the effect of the grubs is a healthy lawn able to withstand the root-devouring pests. Nematodes are a microscopic worm that eats grubs at the larva stage. Ask us about this earth-friendly option for controlling a grub infestation.
Plan Ahead
In addition to taking care of your lawn in the August heat, this is a great month to plan your lawn care strategy for fall. Whatever is causing damage to your lawn, fall’s lower temperatures and higher rainfall make it an optimal time to renew and recover your lawn. Cool season grasses respond to treatment better in fall than spring. Why wait until spring when you can be a step ahead when the snow melts next year! Fall is an optimal time to reseed or overseed, fertilize, aerate, and dethatch.
Now is the time to call the lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Burlington for professional advice and fall lawn care services. You’ll be glad you did!