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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Grub Talk: The Life Cycle of the White Grub

Welcome to Grub Talk, ladies and gentleman, a weekly educational series on the life and times of...

5 Common Lawn Mowing Problems

Mowing your lawn in spring is one of those timeless Canadian traditions that just can't be beat....

A List Of Common Spring Weeds

Look out, readers! Spring has spring but so have the pesky weeds. 

Overseeding is an Integral Spring Task

With Mother's Day in the rear view mirror and the May long weekend almost upon us, it's apparent...

The Problem With Compacted Soil

Welcome to May, folks! The weather is warmer, the skies are bluer, and the lawns are starting to...

Everything You Need to Know About Lawn Thatch

Lawn thatch, like anything in life, is all about moderation. A little bit of thatch is perfectly...

Important Tips For Seeding A Lawn

With April progressing and spring weather (hopefully) on its way, now is the time to start seeding...

The Guide For Spring Fertilizer

Spring is a great time in Canada, that's for sure. There's warmer weather (maybe not now, but...

Why You Should Lime Your Lawn In Spring

Although it may not feel like it in many parts of our great (and cold) country, it is, technically,...