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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

What Is Winter Desiccation? 

Good afternoon, faithful readers. I hope you're having a great Thursday! 

How Does Ice Damage Affect Your Lawn?

February is an interesting month in Canada, that's for sure. In many parts of the country, cities...

What Is Vole Damage? 

Damage from voles can be a very unpleasant sight in the spring when you see your lawn for the first...

How to Avoid Snow Plow Damage 

In many parts of Canada, a white, snow-filled winter is chugging along at a solid pace. What a way...

How to Combat Salt Damage On Your Lawn

Welcome to 2018, folks! It's great to see you all in the new year. 

With the holidays over and...

What is Low Temperature Kill?

Extreme cold temperature conditions persisting for days, weeks, and even months are nothing but...

What Happens to Your Lawn In Winter?

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

That's right folks, the official start of winter is almost...

How To Avoid Frost Damage On Your Lawn

Don't look now folks, but December is right around the corner. That means the days are growing...

Plant Your Spring Flowering Bulbs Before Winter

As a lawn and garden enthusiast, you know Winter lawn care like the back of your hand. You've...

Everything You Need to Know About Your Last Mow

It’s the final countdown…. to Winter, that is. With just over a month to go before the official...