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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Get Your Irrigation Blowout Done Before Winter

Halloween is over, hockey is in full swing, and frost is starting to show up on our lawns. That...

Why Your Trees and Shrubs Need Fertilizer

Get excited folks, the holiday season is right around the corner. And with less than two months to...

Raking Leaves Off Your Lawn in Fall

Fall is a beautiful season in Canada. Cool crisp air, glorious autumn colours, and cosy hoodies!...

Why You Should Apply Winterizing Fertilizer in Late Fall

Brace yourselves... Winter is most certainly coming. With just under 2 months to go until the...

Benefits of Using Lime On Your Lawn

Calcitic Lime is a lawn care supplement primarily used to improve the acidity in soil. In essence,...

How Topdressing Improves Your Lawn Soil

Just like the human body, your lawn needs a certain amount of nutrients to function as intended....

Aerating and Overseeding Your Lawn In Fall

Fall is arguably the most photogenic season, and guess what? It's finally here!

The Fall months are...

8 Landscape Staging Tips To Add Curb Appeal

If you watch any of those house flipping shows, you know how important home staging is. And if you...

Fall Seeding: What Are Your Options?

Whether it’s seeding to fill in bare patches, repairing damaged areas, or thickening up weak spots,...

Common Canadian Lawn Insects

A green, luscious lawn is a beautiful thing, but unless you really get to know your lawn, all of...