Wind down from yard work. It's time to relax and focus on family, friends and the Holidays.
We thought it would be fun to do something different this edition of the monthly newsletter. Click on the slide show for some fun pictures that we accumulated this season.
Lawn Care:

The lawn care season is complete, with the exception of a handful of clients who have asked us to wait for their final fertilizer so that they may rake their lawns. But we are not going anywhere.
LAWN TECHNICIANS: Many of our technicians transfer to our lighting divisions over the winter months. Do not be surprised if you see your lawn guy or gal show up to install Christmas lights in your neighbourhood.
DAY OF TRIBUTE: For many years, the members of local lawn care companies have worked with the horticultural staff for a morning of grounds maintenance work to show thanks to the Canadian Military Members and their families at the National Military Cemetery at Beechwood. Nutri-Lawn is proud to be a contributing member of the team. Thanks to our friends at Landscape Ontario for their organization and coordination.
Sprinkler Solutions:

FALL INSTALLATIONS: Installations will continue until late November, or until the snow arrives, whichever comes first. Our technicians are cold and wet, but they sure are troopers. We are so grateful for their teamwork and dedication to the client.
IRRIGATION WINTERIZATIONS: The Irrigation crews are finishing the last of the irrigation winterizations for the season. If you have not had the water blown out of your irrigation system, call us right away to be scheduled before we return our fleet of compressors. Avoid costly water damage with burst pipes and broken parts.
We do service irrigation systems that were installed by other companies. Contact us today at 613-739-3399 x 2 or martina.c@sprinklersolutions.com

RENEWALS FOR THE 2022 SEASON: Watch your inbox for your exclusive offer for 2022 – Lowest discounts now! If you have any questions about your services, email us at: ottawa@mosquito.buzz or call 613-231-2899 (buzz).
GLO Outdoor Lighting and Christmas Decor:

CHRISTMAS DÉCOR: Our teams are busy installing festive holiday lights throughout the city. Check out our displays at TD Place, The Glebe BIA, Preston Street, and some of your favourite restaurants, like The Grand Pizzeria, and Giovanni’s. Look for the distinctive bright red and gold pre-lit wreaths on all of our decor.
It is not too late to get your home or business decorated for the holidays. Most estimates can be prepared over the phone. Contact us today for a quote. Contact Jennifer, our lighting expert, at est@ChristmasDecorOttawa.com or see the beauty at Christmas Décor Ottawa.
GLO: Our GLO permanent LED lighting systems are sold out for the season. But don’t be disappointed. These lighting systems are great for any season, not just Christmas! Gorgeous colour combinations and twinkling animations create a stunning look all year long. What a bright idea! Take a look at some amazing reviews: GLO 5 star Google Reviews
This unique system – designed and made in Canada - has quickly become a popular exterior lighting option for homes and business owners. GLO Outdoor Lighting is permanent and energy efficient with a kaleidoscope of colours & patterns that you can easily control directly from your smartphone. Visit us for more Info: GLO Outdoor Lighting.
The management team would like to thank you for your business this season. We are immensely proud of our employees and quality of service they provide. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Thank you for your continuing business and support!
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Questions? Call or Text us at 613-739-3399. Email ottawa@nutrilawn.com.
Yours Truly,
Thom Bourne and Your Nutri-Lawn Team