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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

What Does My Lawn Need? Part 3

Part 3 in our series of What does my Lawn Need Blogs brings us to Brown and Bare Lawns. In our...

What Does My Lawn Need? Part 2

In our last blog, we chatted about the animal damage that we can see on lawns throughout the Lower...

Do You Know About Winter Desiccation?

Greetings, lawn lovers! It is I, The Grass Expert, here to talk to you about a dastardly winter...

What Does My Lawn Need? Part 1

Life here in the Lower Mainland can get pretty hectic - and expensive - which keeps us all on the...

Protect Your Property After The Storm

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it's off to shovel we go! 

For those who live in areas with routine and heavy ...

Why Choose Nutri-Lawn?

In 2019, our lives have been so packed with needs that we have left little time for enjoyment....

The Effects Of Winter Ice Damage

With winter in full swing, many parts of Canada are getting cold enough and have enough...

Why Do Weeds And Moss Grow In My Lawn?

The last we spoke, our topic was Calcitic Lime and how it can help to balance the pH in your soil...

Protect Your Property From Snow Plow Damage

Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Snow Plow! Winter is officially here and in many parts of Canada, white...

What Is Calcitic Lime?

Before we get into the what, let’s begin our story with a picture. You walk out of your home...