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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Grub Prevention Season Is Here

GRUBS!! There aren’t many here in the Lower Mainland who aren’t familiar with that word or who...

The Lawn Thatch Crash Course

Class is in session, lawn lovers! So buckle up and get ready, today's lesson will cover an...

Seed Talk - What Is The Best For Your Lawn?

For the last few weeks we have been talking about how to create a healthy environment for your...

5 Tips For Spring Seeding

If April showers bring May flowers, then spring seeding helps to keep lawns succeeding. Some...

Spring Is The Time To Aerate

In the last few weeks we have spoken about many different issues that you may be seeing happening...

How to Improve Your Soil Quality This Spring

It's the most wonderful time of year - for lawn and garden lovers, that is! Spring is finally here...

Spring Overseeding: 4 Important Questions

Spring is all about new beginnings, both on the lawns and off. From blooming flowers to budding...

What does my Lawn Need Part 5: Where is this moss coming from?

Welcome to our last installment of our “What does my lawn need?” series! For those of you coming to...

What Happens To Your Lawn In Early Spring?

After a long winter, spring can’t come quick enough for most homeowners in Canada. If a lawn could...

What Does My Lawn Need Part 4: Weeds

(Image Credit: Trusty Joe)

Welcome to part 4 of our “What does my lawn Need” series. Today, let’s...