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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Summer Heat & Drought Stress

It is no secret that the extreme weather conditions Western Canada is experiencing during the...

Top 8 Frequently Asked Questions

Did you know that a healthy lawn acts as a filter, capturing and breaking down pollutants as...

7 Common Lawn Insects In Canada

Insects are often a difficult-to-detect issue for the average homeowner. While it's not hard to...

Stop Damaging Grubs With GRUB GONE®

The first of its kind, Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae (Btg) is a bio-insecticide that controls...

Weed-Proofing Your Lawn

One of the most common questions we receive from new clients is “How do we permanently rid our lawn...

What Nutri-Lawn Service Group Clients Should Expect In July

Summer is here. Enjoy your time with family and friends.

And leave the work to us! Thank you for...

Before the Brown Spots

Come on, fess up - with that recent heat wave that hit the Lower Mainland, watering your lawn is...

Chinch Bugs Are Active In Ottawa

Introducing BioTitan, a NEW Chinch Bug Reduction Product.


Proper watering techniques are essential to an Ecology Friendly Lawn, and can reduce disease,...

Poison Ivy On Your Property? Call Nutrilawn Ottawa

Poison ivy is a noxious weed that is considered to be “poisonous to the touch” and is deemed a...