Admit it, as sad as you are to see summer go, there’s a part of you that’s happy the lawn care season is winding down. All that mowing and fertilizing – it can become a handful if you’re not prepared for it. In fact, most North American’s rank major lawn care projects as one of their most dreaded summer projects.
If summer lawn care has you feeling burnt out, now’s the time to rethink your approach. You can eliminate a lot of the hassle associated with Ottawa lawn maintenance simply by shifting your approach. Take your mowing practices, for example. This autumn, we challenge you to change your mowing techniques just a tiny bit – the result will be an easier, more efficient lawn mowing experience.
When it comes to Ottawa lawn maintenance, make the most of each mowing treatment by following these important tips.
1) Give Your Mower a Makeover
When was the last time your lawn mower received a little TLC? Like a car, your lawn mower needs regular maintenance in order to perform effectively and efficiently. As such, it’s important to check and change the oil, the air filter, and spark plugs regularly. You’ll also want to make sure that the blade is kept nice and sharp. Our Ottawa lawn maintenance experts recommend sharpening your lawn mower blade once every ten mows to ensure a clean and smooth cut.
2) Upgrade Your Equipment
Frustrated by your mower’s performance this summer? Then it could be time to invest in some new equipment. The autumn is the perfect time to get a great deal on a new mower, so keep an eye on your flyers. Just remember: not all mowers are equal. You’ll want to look for a mower that matches your lawn’s unique terrain and mowing requirements. For help with this, feel free to contact our Ottawa lawn maintenance office.
3) Perform a Clean Sweep
Get a jump-start on your spring cleaning this autumn with a power raking and dethatching treatment from Nutri-Lawn. Running over lawn debris with your mower can cause serious damage to the blades on your machine, as well as harm your lawn. What’s more, leaving debris on your lawn can really hinder your turf’s natural growing process during the fall months. Power raking and dethatching helps to ensure that your lawn has the ability to absorb all of the moisture, nutrients, and sunlight it needs to stay healthy all winter long.
4) Raise Your Blade
A healthy lawn is a longer lawn. As such, don’t be afraid to raise the blade on your lawn mower, especially during the cooler autumn months. Never put your blade lower than 7 centimeters. Your grass needs the top part of the plant to properly produce food, chop it too close to the surface of your turf and you could cause it a lot of undue stress.
5) Aerate and Feed Your Lawn
A healthier lawn will require less mowing maintenance. This is why it’s important to keep up with seasonal fertilizer treatments. Increase the efficiency of your autumn fertilizer application by coupling it with a core aeration Ottawa lawn maintenance treatment. Following these treatments, leave your lawn to grow for a few days before mowing again. The stress of aeration and mowing at the same time could cause more damage than good.
When it comes to Ottawa lawn maintenance, relax – you’ve got nothing to stress out about! Contact the lawn experts at Nutri-Lawn today for more information on mowing techniques and other stress-free lawn care treatments.