Now that Spring is finally here, it's time to get back out on the lawn and help prepare it for the long growing season ahead. There are a number of key recommendations one can follow to ensure the lawn gets a running head start before the long hot days of summer begin including an important early spring fertilization.
An early spring fertilizer application is important to help “jump start” the lawn and especially help areas of the lawn that were damaged by winter kill and snow mold disease. Spring fertilizer will help green up the lawn quickly and wake itself up out of its winter dormancy state. Fertilizer blends that contain Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium provide the turfgrass with the plant essential nutrients required to sustain and encourage healthy growth.
Spring Fertilizer
The spring season is typically when cool season turfgrasses grow most actively with the combination of optimal temperatures and precipitation in most regions. This makes spring fertilization very important since the turf requires the most nourishment by way of fertilization during this period.
Rate of application is an important variable that can be determined by a number of factors including, blend analysis, type of fertilizer (liquid or granular), release technology (quick or slow), and the nutrient source (organic or synthetic). The typical recommended rate of application for a spring fertilizer is 1 lb of (N) Nitrogen per 1000 sq ft. This provides the adequate nutrition the turfgrass requires for the spring growing season.