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3 min read

Overseeding: The What, Why, When, and How

The snow is finally beginning to melt and the first patches of green are beginning to grace your lawn. But wait a minute – what are those brown patches doing there? Dead areas of grass aren't visually appealing at all, and aren't positive for the health of your lawn. Spring lawn maintenance has a lot more to it than just watering and mowing. You'll need to be bringing your lawn back to life with your lawn care. Overseeding can help. Don't know what overseeding is? Read on to discover the ins and outs of overseeding from Nutri-Lawn Ottawa.


What is overseeding?

Overseeding is the application of new seed to your grass. Usually overseeding is done with a mixture of grass seed that will be most efficient in resisting diseases, heat stress, and insect damage. The type of grass you use for your lawn will always depend upon the weather conditions of where you live, and the soil type of your lawn. A Nutri-Lawn Ottawa expert will help you figure out what blend of grass will be the hardiest in your yard.

Why overseed?

Overseeding is a lawn maintenance practice that restores the health of your lawn after a harsh, severe winter. The cold weather and snow is bound to destroy areas of your grass, leaving you with dead patches, rather than a full luscious lawn. Overseeding allows you to introduce stronger grass to your lawn. You may choose a variety that was sturdier than the one you chose last spring, allowing you to prevent the need for Nutri-Lawn Ottawa lawn maintenance services to overseed as heavily next spring.

Furthermore, when you increase the strength of your grass with overseeding lawn maintenance, you're also reducing the amount of fertilizer and water needed by your grass, and you decrease the amount of disease and insect damage done to your lawn. This means that overall your lawn care practices will be less burdening in the future, and your lawn will be beautifully healthy.

On the surface, overseeding simply makes your lawn look more beautiful. A patchy lawn is rough on little toes playing in the yard, and unappealing in front of your house.

When do you overseed?

You may choose to overseed in either the spring or the autumn. If you want the effects of the seed for the summer, then you'll want Nutri-Lawn Ottawa to overseed in the spring. Overseeding should be done before the weather becomes too extreme. Temperate, moist weather conditions are best when introducing seed to your lawn. If it's too hot, your new seed is going to struggle to survive.

How do you overseed?

If you want to try overseeding lawn maintenance yourself, you need to start by disposing of the grass that is already in the area you're going to treat. Dig it up with a shovel or trowel. From there, the next step is mixing and breaking up the soil so that the foundation on which you're laying your seed isn't compacted. Then lay down a layer of nutrient-rich fertilizer, manure, or compost. Use a rake to level the soil after you've done all of this. Finally, it's time to lay down the seed and top it all off with a nutrient packed covering of topsoil.

Overseeding yourself can be a pain in your lawn care habits. It's always good to have a professional in to talk to them about what grass seed is best, what type of fertilizer you should use, and lawn maintenance following the overseeding application. Nutri-Lawn Ottawa lawn maintenance services will be able to offer you high quality assistance in ensuring your lawn gets the best repair possible.

If you're ready to begin your eco-friendly lawn care program this spring, contact Nutri-Lawn Ottawa to get a complimentary quote on lawn maintenance services for your home.