When it comes to curb appeal, a beautiful green lawn beats a weed infested one any day of the week. Since most of our customers fit into the 'houseproud' category, it isn't surprising that weed control is a top concern in the spring, summer and fall months.
But with homeowners wanting environmentally responsible weed control options that satisfy provincial regulations and restrictions, what effective alternatives are there to traditional herbicides?
The answer is Fiesta™. Combined with cultural practices like proper mowing, watering, balanced soil fertility, and aeration, Fiesta can help effectively control weeds without harming your lawn.
What is Fiesta Weed Control?
Fiesta™ Lawn Weed Killer is a low-risk selective broadleaf weed control product that works fast to kill weeds. It is spot applied to weeds, typically showing results within 24 to 48 hours.
Unlike many other herbicides, Fiesta is completely odourless and doesn't require extensive precautions like staying off the lawn for a number of days.
Fiesta is quickly absorbed by the plant tissue and transported down to the root. It works through iron toxicity; since broadleaf weeds absorb and uptake iron differently than turfgrass, the weeds are controlled while grass is not affected.
In this video, our own Jordan Lavin discusses the effectiveness of Fiesta with John Payne of Rogers, 12 months after the Ontario pesticide ban came into play.
At Nutri-Lawn, we offer products and services in accordance with provincial pesticide regulations. Fiesta effectively controls and suppresses the following broadleaf weeds;
- Black medic (Medicago lupulina)
- Broadleaf plantain (Plantago major)
- Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
- Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense)
- Common chickweed (Stellaria media)
- Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens)
- Dandelion (Taraxicum officinale)
- Dovefoot geranium (Geranium molle)
- English daisy (Bellis perennis)
- False dandelion (Hypochoeris radicata)
- Healall (Prunella vulgaris)
- Moss, liverworts, algae and lichens
- Narrow-leaved plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
- Persian speedwell (Veronica persica)
- Shepherd’s-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
- Silverweed cinquefoil (Potentilla anserina)
- Slender speedwell (Veronica filiformis)
- White clover (Trifolium repens)
- Wild chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
But does it really work? Here are some results from our Nutri-Lawn branch is St. John's, Newfoundland.
Day 1: Before Fiesta Weed Control

This lawn was infested with dandelions. Taken before our lawn care technicians applied Fiesta Weed Control, this lawn is in need of a little TLC.
Day 23: After Fiesta Weed Control

After returning a few weeks later, the lawn is in much better shape and the bulk of the weeds are now gone. It's important to note that while Fiesta works wonders as a spot treatment, it won't stop weeds from returning.
Homeowners need to do their part in creating a lawn that outcompetes weeds and stops them from spreading. Encouraging healthy soil and reseeding will help keep the lawn thick so weeds are crowded out, while proper watering and mowing helps discourage weed infestations.
RELATED > Your Best Defense Against Weed Infestations
One Year Later

After 1 year of continued Fiesta Weed Control, the lawn is looking great. A lawn care program with Nutri-Lawn is designed to encourage healthy soil, and in combination with a proper watering and mowing schedule, the result is a thick, robust, and healthy lawn.
Talk to your local Nutri-Lawn about weed control options available in your area. For more lawn care tips and tricks, follow us on Facebook or Pinterest.
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