Black Medic (Medicago lupulina)
Black medic is a summer annual or winter annual that is commonly found across Canada and the US. Black medic is often mistaken for clover and oxalis as it looks very similar with trifoliate leaf arrangements. Black medic is different with the center leaflet raised on a petiole. Black medic spreads low to the ground spreading several feet from its central taproot. Stems grow prostrate with the tips pointing upward. Small yellow flowers typically bloom from spring through until fall. Once they mature they for a black seedpod.
Life Cycle – Summer annual or winter annual broadleaf weed
Growth Habit – Prostrate
Leaves – Trifoliate (3 leaves), egg-shaped, serrated near tip, alternate arrangement
Roots – Deep taproot, fibrous network
Flower Colour – Yellow (compressed cluster pea like), black seed pod
Control – Hard to control
Black medic is a legume, which means it has the capability to fix its own nitrogen. This allows it to out compete turf in nutrient deficient soils. Black medic is generally considered a hard to control weed that requires multiple selective post emergent applications throughout the season.