4 min read
Top 6 Summer Lawn Care Services
By: Shawn Karn, The Grass Expert on Jun 22, 2017 3:52:58 PM

Guess what? It's officially SUMMER!
Considering how long we wait for it to come around, most of us are quick to sing the praises of Summer. But if your grass had a voice, it might not agree.
Prolonged heat and drought can be pretty rough on your lawn, especially if you haven't put in the work during Spring. But don't stress; there's a lot you can do for your lawn throughout June, July, and August to help it survive the effects of sweltering heat.
Here are our 6 top Summer lawn care services.
RELATED > Preparing Your Lawn For Summer Stress
Weed Control
With our long Winters, most Canadians thrive in Summer. Unfortunately, so do the weeds!
Hot, dry weather creates a good environment for weeds to not only grow, but thrive. While cool season turf grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass or Fine Fescue might grow slow with the heat, some broadleaf weeds will make the most of it.
The healthier your lawn is, the better its defense against unwanted invaders will be. Pulling stubborn weeds by hand throughout Summer will help you get a handle on any weed infestations. If you have some that just won't budge, weed control applications can help control them before they spread and take over.
RELATED > Your Best Defense Against Weed Infestations
Summer Fertilizer
For those that are fond of a bit of DIY, applying fertilizer in Summer can be risky if you're not careful.
Balanced fertility throughout the season is crucial for the health of your lawn. Using a slow release or controlled release fertilizer is recommended for Summer, since they are made to perform well even in times of heat and drought stress.
Even in the brink of Summer when the lawn is turning brown and dormant, it doesn't mean your lawn doesn't need fertilizer. Make sure not to over apply fertilizer during the hotter months, especially quicker release fertilizers - this can cause burning and yellowing of the lawn.
Talk to your local Nutri-Lawn about seasonally timed fertilizer options in your area.
Kelp Seaweed Extracts
Kelp gives your lawn a fighting chance to recover from the effects of heat and drought stress in the Summer.
A timely application of Kelp Seaweed Extracts will help;
- Increase root growth
- Improve overall appearance in colour, turf density, and hardiness
- Enhance natural resistance to disease, drought, and insect pressures
- Increase nutrient levels and uptake in plants
- Promote seed development
RELATED > How Kelp Protects Your Lawn
Chinch Bug Control
Chinch bugs are destructive insects that live in the thatch layer of the lawn, feeding on the grass and sucking out the plant juice. While they're doing that, they release enzymes which cause your grass to turn brown and die.
Damage is often discovered in July and August. Unfortunately, the damage looks very similar to heat and drought stress, so chinch bugs often go undetected.
Chinch Bug Control applications effectively target chinch bugs in their nymph stage, which is when they are actively feeding and causing damage.
Mosquito Control
Summer is synonymous with mosquitoes. Just when the weather gets good enough to live your entire life outside, in come the skeeters.
Mosquito control programs effectively reduce the amount of mosquitoes around your home, by creating a barrier between your property and incoming mosquitoes. Applications target the areas that mosquitoes hide in, including trees and shrubs, under decks and stairways, and landscape plant materials.
It's important for homeowners to understand that mosquitoes breed in standing water. By regularly removing or draining any areas of stagnant water around your property, you can greatly reduce mosquito populations by preventing new ones from forming.
We all know that you need to up your watering game in the Summer time. But it's not just about watering; it's about watering right.
A well planned irrigation system can take the work out of your hands, ensuring timely, even distribution of water. It's important to make sure sprinkler heads aren't obstructed by trees and shrubs, and are pointed in the right directions for optimal coverage.
Ask your local Nutri-Lawn if they offer or can recommend a reliable irrigation service.
With the harshest parts of Summer still ahead of us, it's important to understand that a lawn that turns brown and dormant is perfectly normal. It might not look like it did in Spring, but it doesn't mean you're at a point of no return. Once temperatures drop and rain becomes more common, your lawn should bounce back quick smart.
Talk to our team of lawn care experts about maintaining a healthy lawn during Summer. For more lawn care tips and tricks, follow us on Facebook or Pinterest.
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