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3 min read

Tips for Late Fall Lawn Care

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Fall is the best time of year to overseed and lay sod because all of the conditions homeowners try to mimic or compensate for happen naturally in the fall. The shorter days and cooler nights mixed with heavy dew and regular rainfall create perfect conditions that should yield significant results come spring. And these conditions can often last into November, so now’s the time to get to work!

Fall lawn care improvements can be frustrating for some because you won’t see the changes immediately, but you’ll definitely see a change in the spring when your lawn is thicker, greener, and more vibrant. Here are our best late fall lawn care tips. We know fall is a crazy busy time of year - give us a call if you need help or our expertise in creating the lawn you’ve always wanted.

Last Cut

Don’t leave your lawn to grow long just because it’s fall. It will matter this winter because that long grass will be more prone to snow mold and winter kill. Throughout October and into November possibly, continue to cut your lawn a little longer. You won’t need to cut your lawn as often. The length of the grass blade above ground corresponds with the length of the roots underground, and you want deep roots to develop so don’t cut that last time short.

Fall is also a great time to do a little maintenance on your mower or manual push mower. If you have the time, it’s one less thing to worry about in the spring.

Winter Fertilizer

Grass, like many other plants, stores resources to get through the winter and fuel spring growth. You can boost that store with a quality lawn fertilizer. A late fall fertilizer will help prevent snow mold and winter kill. Stronger plants push out weeds, thicken quickly, and resist disease better.

Thickening Lawn

Because of the aforementioned ideal growing conditions in the fall, this is a great time of year to overseed your lawn and fill in those bare patches. Give the lawn a good rake with a fan rake and remove any leaves or other debris. You want to make sure the grass seed is able to get direct contact with the soil. The heavy dew each morning with the daytime warm temperatures are exactly what your grass seed needs to get a good start.

Planting New Lawn

Sod is a fast way to have a great looking lawn quickly and fall is an ideal time of year to plant it. Before you lay the sod, take an extra step to ensure you protect your investment by laying down a 10cm layer of triple mix soil. This will give your new sod the best chance at a great start.

More fall lawn care tips here. From large properties to small, let the lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver get to work on achieving the look you want. Contact Nutri-Lawn Vancouver for a complimentary quote.

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