2 min read

By: Robert Bourne, Nutri-Lawn Vancouver on Sep 28, 2016 4:49:50 PM
Fall is officially here and our lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver want to make sure you’re doing all the right things to improve your lawn this fall – at the right time! There are some things you can do to improve your lawn for next season NOW, but if these things are done at the wrong time you can end up wasting a lot of time. Fall is a busy time of year, so if you’re too busy consider giving our team a chance to give your lawn a leg up for next spring!
Here are some of our best fall lawn care tips.
Sure, we get more rainfall and cooler temperatures in fall, but if a week goes by with less than an inch of rainfall it’s safe to use your irrigation systems well into October or early November. Keep your lawn more or less around 2.5 – 3 inches high. Grass that’s left too tall over the winter is susceptible to fungus and snow mold. Grass kept too short can’t grow deep roots and will be weak against winter temperatures.
Many people enjoy watching the leaves turn colour and even fall. The leaves are fun to jump in and throw around, but when wet those leaves create a suffocating wet layer that will kill your grass. If piles of leaves are left on your lawn over the winter, that grass will mostly likely be dead in spring and require reseeding. If you have the space, consider composting the leaves. Turn the pile once a week and next year find rich soil underneath your plants will love.
Loosening compact soil is a great idea and can really give your lawn a boost. Aerating in the spring gives equal advantage to grass and weeds looking to spread, but in the fall the clear advantage goes to the grass because most weeds are dormant.
Fertilizing in the fall will give your lawn a boost you’ll definitely notice in the spring. Your grass will grow earlier and faster and green up more quickly than lawns without fertilizer. However, if you fertilize too early, the grass takes those extra nutrients and puts more energy into new growth which won’t survive the winter. Fertilize too late and the grass won’t be able to absorb all the nutrients before it goes dormant for winter. Make sure the plants are able to take best advantage of the extra nutrients to sustain them through winter and get a good start in spring.
Fall provides optimal growing conditions for grass, as long as the seeds are in direct contact with soil. When overseeding, avoid scattering seed on top of an existing lawn and make sure to apply top soil when needed. Hand seed bare spots or areas where you’re starting with bare dirt. Slit seeding is one way to ensure the seeds are in direct contact with the soil, and our experts can do this so that your lawn doesn’t look like a plowed field afterwards.
Whatever you decide is best for your lawn, let the lawn care pros at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver get to work on creating the look you want. Contact Nutri-Lawn Vancouver today for a complimentary quote.