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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

How to Care for Cool Season Grasses in Fall and Winter

Pop quiz: What season is the busiest time for lawn care in Burlington?

If you answered spring, you...

10 Steps to an Organic Lawn

Will 2014 be the year you go organic with your lawn care? If you’re motivated to go green next...

Insect of the Month – White Grubs

In an average landscape, hundreds, even thousands of insects make their home across parts of the...

Early Spring Fertilizer

Now that Spring is finally here, it's time to get back out on the lawn and help prepare it for the...

Volunteers return to Dominican for 3rd year to continue with humanitarian efforts

A team of volunteers from the Canadian landscaping industry returned to the Dominican Republic in...

Get A Handle on Your High Maintenance Lawn

Remember when you first installed your lawn, how lush and beautiful it looked? Your yard was the...

How to Sow Grass Seed for the Best Results

Patchy lawns are always problematic. Not only do they look bad, but they can also be a hotbed for...

How to Develop a Lawn Maintenance Schedule that Works | Nutri-Lawn Burlington

Lawns that are as lush, green, and as well-kept as golf course turf requires a regular lawn...