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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Grass That Fights Back: Seed to Battle Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs can be a major hassle to get rid of once your lawn is already infested. Effective...

Grass Varieties and their Benefits

What would you say if you found out that improving your Burlington lawn care program was as simple...

How to Protect Your Lawn Against Drought and Insects

Drought and insects – two of the most common Vancouver lawn care ailments that a homeowner...

Eliminate Grubs with Nutri-Lawn Vancouver Nematodes

Are grubs destroying your lawn? Grubs are tiny but deadly foe that can really do a number on a...

The Proper Use of Beneficial Nematodes for Ottawa Lawn Care

July is here and adult beetles are waiting for their little ones to hatch. Unfortunately, most...

Grappling with Grubs with Nutri-Lawn Burlington

Grubs are a major issue for homeowners in July. These little larvae are pros when it comes to...

Putting the Green Back Into Your Grass

Did you pull your lawn out of winter hibernation only to find brown, dry grass? You aren't alone....

Pamper Your Lawn with Proper Mowing and Irrigation

Bring life back to your lawn with the right mowing and irrigation techniques. It doesn't take much...

How to Win the Battle of Good vs. Bad Cutting Heights

You may not even realize you're in it, but there's a battle waging in your lawn over the right...

Parasitic vs. Beneficial Nematodes

As a homeowner, you may be familiar with nematodes. Nematodes are used as a solution to grub...