Are grubs destroying your lawn? Grubs are tiny but deadly foe that can really do a number on a healthy lawn. It's time to scrap the larvae and bring your lawn back to a strong state. Beneficial nematodes will get the job done efficiently and effectively. But before you can apply them, you'll want to know how this organic Vancouver lawn care method works.
Nutri-Lawn Vancouver has the answers you're looking for. We use these little beneficial parasites in our Nutri-Lawn Vancouver lawn care services whenever our clients have a grub problem. Read on to find out our tips for application and information on the process of nematodes.
The Application Process
Applying beneficial nematodes simply involves a lot of moisture and patience. Before applying your nematodes, run your irrigation system. This creates a moist environment through which the beneficial nematodes can tunnel to find grubs. You'll want to water just after the application, as well, and for up to 10 days following.
To apply the nematodes, combine with water. The package of nematodes that you are using will direct you as to how much water is required for that particular pack. Add this water-nematode solution to a sprayer and begin hosing your yard down in an even layer.
Try to pick a day of application that is between the temperatures of 14 and 33 degrees Celsius. If you're using Nutri-Lawn Vancouver lawn care services, talk to your Nutri-Lawn Vancouver expert to figure out the forecasting at your time of application. The best times to apply are between mid-May and mid-June, and between mid-August and mid-October.
The Nematode Quest
Nematodes are a beneficial parasite. They hunt their prey, and kill them by releasing deadly bacteria into the host's body.
When nematodes enter your lawn, they quickly tunnel through to find the nearest grub. Upon discovering their prey, they enter the body of the host through any opening available. It is then that nematodes excrete their bacteria and kill the host grub.
Once the host is dead, nematodes continue to multiple within the body. The body is then used as food for the new nematodes, which, after feasting, scurry off into your yard to find more grubs.
Nematode lifestyles may not sound the most appealing to you, but Nutri-Lawn Vancouver uses these because they are natural, organic, and get the job done properly so that you no longer need to worry about grubs.
The Nematode Diet
Like any other living creature, nematodes have a specific diet. They can be used in your Vancouver lawn care to get rid of Japanese beetles, Asiatic beetles, common chafers, European chafers, May and June beetles, black vine weevil, and strawberry vine weevil.
There are a couple of "don'ts" in proper nematode application. The first is: Don't apply on a windy day. Wind will carry these microscopic creatures to a single point in your yard, preventing an evenly spread application. Wind can also carry your nematodes to your neighbour’s yard, giving them free Vancouver lawn care.
Don't use pesticides just prior to or directly following an application. Keep a 10-day window – no pesticides for 10 days before or 10 days after nematodes enter your lawn. Pesticides can harm or kill your nematodes, preventing successful grub control Vancouver lawn care.
Get started on the most effective Vancouver lawn care today with Nutri-Lawn Vancouver lawn care services. Contact Nutri-Lawn Vancouver for a complimentary quote today.