Don't get too comfortable with the warm weather nearing – spring lawn care is back in action and there are little pests attacking your lawn. If you're grumbling about grubs ruining your relaxing days on the deck, you'll be happy to know that Nutri-Lawn Ottawa has a few simple solutions. First, it's important to know your foe. From there, you can decide on the best path to recovering your lawn. There are home DIY as well as professional lawn care services to get your yard back to its emerald splendour. Read on to find out how to combat grubs with lawn care services this summer.
What are grubs?
Grubs are actually the larvae of European chafers, Japanese beetles, Leather jackets, and June beetles. Despite the fact that they are the immature form of adult beetles, they cause an indisputable amount of ruckus to a typically healthy lawn. You'll recognize them by their C-shaped, curved bodies, white or yellowish skin colour, and heads that are either tan or brown. They have six legs, that are, like most other bugs, quite spiny.
When is the damage done?
Grubs are particularly destructive in their growth and maturing period. At this time, their growing bodies need nourishment, and your lawn is the perfect supermarket. Depending on the type of grub you have in your lawn, this maturation period could take up to three years for a June beetle or one year for a European chafer. During this time, all of your attempts at lawn care services will be wasted on grub infestations.
Depending on the maturity of your grubs, lawn care damage is done at different times throughout the year. However, because most grub infestations aren't perfectly timed so that every grub in your lawn is going through the exact same maturity period at the exact same time, damage can be done any time throughout April to October when the grubs are active and hungry. European chafer grubs can even be active as early as March or as late as November.
How can lawn care services help?
When you adjust your lawn care services accordingly, grubs will cease to be an issue. Now that pesticides are banned in Ontario, you'll have to find other options to get rid of those grubs. At Nutri-Lawn Ottawa, we recommend beneficial nematodes.
Beneficial nematodes are small predators that will track and attack grubs, without harming your lawn. These little insects are only interested in grubs, however, so you don't have to worry about harm to your children, pets, or yourself. These are an entirely environmentally friendly, natural method of lawn care.
Before you get your nematode application, Nutri-Lawn Ottawa recommends getting core aeration to create pathways for your nematodes to get deeper in the soil. Furthermore, you'll want to keep your soil well hydrated during this time to ensure the survival of the nematodes.
Unfortunately, nematode application usually does not occur until August or September, when grubs are at their most vulnerable.
Lawn care for a grub-infested lawn
Until it's time for your nematode application, you want to prevent more grubs from being born. Vacuum up or kill adult June beetles, European chafers, or Leather jackets as you see them. The more of these you have in your lawn, the more grubs will hatch.
Incorporate an adequate irrigation schedule into your lawn care practices. Your lawn only requires about 1-2 inches of water per week. These one to two inches should be offered in deep, long watering to guarantee the roots of your grass reach further into the soil. In doing so, your lawn's roots will grow deeper, and therefore stronger. This is one of the more important tips from Nutri-Lawn Ottawa to increase the health of your lawn throughout a grub infestation.
If you're not sure about how else you can adapt your lawn care services to benefit your lawn, contact Nutri-Lawn Ottawa today. We offer complimentary quotes to help you plan your 2014 lawn care services program around your personal needs.