Has your lawn become a popular hangout for local wildlife? You may have a grub control issue Grubs are a common problem for Ottawa residents, but don’t fret – Nutri-Lawn Ottawa has a variety of safe, natural solutions! From microorganisms to core aeration, grubs don’t stand a chance against our lawn care professionals.
What are Grubs?
The grubs that most commonly infest lawns are the larvae of June Beetles, European Chaffer Beetles, and Japanese Beetles. They are better known as “white grubs” because of the white or grayish colour of their bodies. They are small when they hatch, but can grow up to 2 to 4 centimetres at maturity. Although they will vary in size and head colour, they will always have six legs and be shaped a bit like the letter C. They survive best in moist conditions. Drought conditions kill off most eggs and larvae.
Damage Caused by Lawn Grubs
Lawn grubs normally feed underneath the soil on the roots of your grass, but they will also attack your vegetable garden and even your potted plants. A healthy lawn can sustain a small number of grubs without requiring grub treatments to remove them. Once the population grows beyond five grubs per square inch however, your lawn will begin to show signs of distress.
Grubs can Lead to Bigger Problems
Raccoons, skunks, starlings, blackbirds, and crows consider lawn grubs to be a delicacy. If left untreated, your grub infestation could attract quite a bit of attention from the local wildlife! Once these animals move in, they’ll dig holes and tear up your grass in order to locate grub breeding grounds. Keeping these animals away can be difficult, and cleaning up after them is often quite costly. Your best defence is to control your lawn’s grub levels with a natural treatment.
Detecting the Problem
Some key signs will help you decide if you have a grub control problem. Browning of the grass is the first warning you will notice. Dead patches will be irregularly shaped. Your lawn will also begin to feel spongy in areas when you walk across it, almost as if you are sinking slightly into the ground. This means the grubs have eaten the root system, leaving room for the soil to compact.
In the worst cases, you will be able to lift areas of your grass and roll it up the way you would the carpeting in your house. The grubs have eaten the roots, leaving nothing to hold the grass to the ground.
Grub Control Treatments
The best way to avoid a grub problem is to keep your lawn strong. Regular watering with an inground sprinkler system andcore aeration will encourage a dense root system that will better withstand grubs. Raising your summer mowing height to 2.5 to 3 inches may also help since beetles prefer to lay their eggs in closely-cropped grass.
Nematodes are another all-natural grub control method. As strange as it sounds, these insects will actually help improve your lawn by seeking out and destroying pesky grub colonies. Learn more about nematodes and Nutri-Lawn’s Beneficial Nematode treatments.
Nutri-Lawn can get rid of grubs through grub treatments even once they’ve taken control of your lawn. If you suspect that you have a grub control problem, don’t wait. Contact Nutri-Lawn through their today by calling them toll-free at 1-888-NUTRILAWN.