How does mowing your grass help it grow thicker and healthier? The lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver put together a list of tips on how to mow grass the right way so you’re helping your lawn and not hurting it.
Sharpen Mower Blades
You can’t cut hair with dull scissors – not without making a mess. Your lawn is no different. A sharp blade makes a clean cut where a dull blade will bruise and bend as many blades as it cuts. If you want great results, you need the right tools.
Leave The Clippings
If you first mow around the perimeter of your yard and then mow so the clippings are blown toward the centre of your lawn, then each pass further breaks down the clippings. Recycling grass clippings works best when mowing a dry lawn. Grass clippings break down quickly and release nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, as well as smaller amounts of other essential nutrients back into the soil. Grass clippings also act as a mulch helping soil retain moisture and discourage weeds.
Cut High
If you like to cut your lawn short you may be leaving your lawn vulnerable to weed infestations and disease. The optimal length of the grass blades for cool season grasses (the most common in Canada) is 2.5 to 3.5 inches. So, instead of flourishing, your cut-too-short lawn is constantly in survival mode, the soil is exposed to the sun so moisture is lost more quickly, weeds find optimal growing conditions, and the grass is left vulnerable to extreme weather.
Mow In The Shade
Mowing your grass puts stress on the plants. Mowing grass during the hottest part of the day can have an even bigger impact. Mowing grass when it’s in the shade or during cooler times of day helps grass to recover more quickly, resulting in a healthier lawn.
Change Directions
Just like an indoor plant will grow toward the sun, grass grows in the direction that you cut. The difference may not be glaring, but for those who are serious about their lawn maintenance this is an important detail. Some like to cut in a diagonal pattern for curb appeal. For best results, be sure to change up the direction/pattern every week or two so grass grows straight and tall.
Mow When Dry
Mowing grass with soggy ground is bad news. There’s greater chance that the mower will create ruts in the ground that will remain when dry and potentially kill the grass growing there. Wet grass clippings cling and stay in clumps that won’t break down, but may kill the grass underneath.
If your lawn has grown too tall, it will likely hold moisture or be damp near the soil and the clippings will clump, so make sure you pick those up. When this happens, slow down as you mow. Forcing the mower to move quickly through wet grass means an uneven and ragged cut.
Proper mowing practices will help keep your lawn healthy and lush. Nutri-Lawn Vancouver will help identify your lawns unique needs and provide an extra boost to help optimize your lawn care. Contact Nutri-Lawn Vancouver today for a complimentary quote.