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1 min read

Mosquitoes - Controlling Mosquitoes

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There are several different approaches one can take when trying to control mosquitoes.  These options may include reducing the mosquito breeding areas, secondly reducing ones exposure to mosquitoes, and thirdly treating mosquitoes with effective control products, thus eliminating them all together.

Reducing Breeding Areas = Controlling Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes breed in standing stagnant water.  Eliminating as many of these sites as possible will reduce the incidence of mosquitoes in the vicinity.  Poorly drained areas such as low spots, depressions, tire ruts or other areas that collect water need to be remedied and minimized.  Items that collect water such as bird baths, old tires, rain barrels/buckets, and clogged gutters need to be monitored and emptied after rain.  Catch basins and other areas collecting water should be monitored closely to ensure standing water does not persist.

Reducing Exposure = Reducing mosquito bites

Aside from not going outside, taking precautions when you do will greatly reduce ones exposure.  Wearing a long-sleeved shirt and long pants with socks will cover most of the body thus greatly eliminating exposed skin for mosquitoes to bite.  Applying insect repellant to the parts of the body that are exposed will help deter and prevent mosquitoes from biting. 

Want to order mosquito control to protect your home / family? 

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