Weed germination occurs when the soil temperatures increase. Dandelions are usually the first to germinate and emerge in bare areas. We usually see the growth starting in mid-May. The soil temperatures are still too cool for many ‘other’ lawn weeds, and current Ontario legislation only allows products registered to target weeds once they have emerged. There are no licensed control products that will prevent weeds from germinating.
We will begin applying the first Fiesta applications in early-mid May. We will then return to do the second spring Fiesta weed control to target the late germinating and remaining controllable weeds.
One of the best defenses against weeds is a thick, healthy lawn. Be sure to fertilize in the spring, and add your grass seed to thicken the turf so weeds cannot take hold.
Call or Text us at 613-739-3399, and ask us about Fiesta weed control and our seeding services to improve the thickness of your turf.
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