As simple as it sounds, there happens to be a lot more to mowing grass then just firing up the lawnmower and pushing it back and forth across the lawn.
The overall performance of the lawn relies heavily on the mowing practices that are performed throughout the season. No other machine will be used as often as the lawnmower on the lawn, so it's important that a good set of general guidelines are followed and the mower itself is in good working condition for the first mowing of the season.
Mower Maintenance
Making sure your mower is in it's best condition is something you should have considered before the season starts. That being said, you'll need to continue maintenance on your lawn mower throughout Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Having a well maintained mower that is reliable and prepared for the work ahead will provide many benefits as they relate to the condition of the lawn. The main focus when it comes to having your mower ready should be the centered around the following steps:
Change Oil
Even if you don’t think the oil needs changing, do it anyway. The oil should be changed at the beginning of every season as dirt and other impurities can contaminate and ruin an engine. Always refer to the owners manual for proper procedure.
Sharpen Mower Blades
This step should be done more than just once in the Spring as the blade dulls over the coarse of the season. A dull mower blade damages the turf causing rips and tears. These injuries weaken the turf and make it more susceptible to environmental stresses, insect damage and disease incidence. Using a hand file or small grinder, sharpen the cutting edge of the blade.
Spark Plug
As inexpensive as spark plugs are, it is a good idea to replace it before the start of each season. Installing a new one is very easy and will ensure the engine will start with ease and run smoothly.
Air Filter
Depending on the type of air filter in your mower, it may be as simple as taking a high pressure air hose and blowing out the dirt and debris. Some air filters are made from foam and can be washed with water and detergent cleaner. If the air filter becomes clogged or too dirty the air filter will
General Mowing Tips
Proper mowing practices make a big difference in maintaining the condition of a healthy lawn.
Mowing is one of the most important and beneficial practices you, as a home owner can do. Here are our top tips for a perfectly manicured lawn.
Mowing Frequency
Mowing once every 4 – 7 days is best for most lawns. More may be required during Spring, since this when a large percentage of total growth occurs.
Height of Cut
Mow at a height of 2.5 – 3 inches for most turf species. A higher height of cut encourages deeper roots.
Plus, you should never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at once. Removing more than this causes stress and can weaken the plant.

Sharp Blades
Always ensure your mower blade is sharp. A dull blade creates a ragged cut that casuses the lawn to look brown. Sharp blades maintains a clean cut that minimizes damage to the plant.
It is recommended to sharpen your mower blade at least 2 times each season.
Mowing Patterns
Mow in different patterns each time you mow. Going over the same set of tire marks compacts the soil and inhibits good turf growth.
By mowing your lawn in different patters, you'll avoid tire rutting marks and soil compaction issues.
Mulch Clippings
A great source of natural fertilizer can come from your clippings. Use a mulching blade to help reincorporate the clippings back into the lawn.
Dry Conditions
You should always try to mow when the lawn is dry. It is much easier to achieve a clean cut as the blades of the grass will be more upright, and less likely to clump up.
Mowing a lawn when it's wet can also spready fungal turfgrass diseases.
For more lawn care tips and tricks, follow us on Facebook or Pinterest.