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Spring Lawn Care for Vancouver Homeowners

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For many homeowners, spring lawn care is the hardest part of their lawn maintenance program. After the fading of winter, the amount of work that needs to be done with the oncoming spring seems to be too overwhelming. Where to begin the lawn maintenance services? If you're wondering where to get started, here are a couple of tips from Nutri-Lawn Vancouver.

Renew your lawn with overseeding

If your lawn has patchy, dead areas then it needs to be refreshed a bit with new grass seed. Overseeding is the application of new grass seed to renew the health and strength of your lawn. In this process, the old dead grass is removed to make way for the new grass seed. This prevents dead grass from stealing the nutrients from the rest of your lawn, while applying sturdier grass that will act as a more efficient team player in your Vancouver lawn maintenance program.

Dress up your lawn with lawn maintenance services

Topdressing is another lawn maintenance practice that does a fantastic job of re-introducing nutrients and health to your lawn. Adding a layer of topdressing will help a compacted lawn retain moisture easier, while adding nourishment back into the soil of your lawn for the grass roots to absorb.

Let your lawn breathe

A compacted lawn is an unhappy lawn. Compaction is a fairly normal ailment following a busy summer or a heavy winter. However, when your lawn's particles are compacted, they can't absorb nutrients, water, air, and minerals as well as they need to in order to survive. If your lawn is compacted, it's time to include core aeration in your Nutri-Lawn Vancouver lawn maintenance practices.

Core aeration basically punches holes into your lawn. This lawn maintenance procedure creates little tunnels for your irrigation and fertilizer to burrow deeper into your soil, encouraging a deeper – and therefore healthier – root system in your grass.

Feed your lawn with fertilizer

Like any other living organism, your lawn needs food to survive. Fertilize your lawn once or twice a year with a fertilizer that has the proper pH balance for your grass and soil varieties. Fertilizer application is the perfect time to use up any compost you've accumulated, which will act as a generous slow-release fertilizer for your lawn.

A good fertilizer is one that lowers the acidity of the lawn. Many of these include lime in the components, like the lime fertilizer offered by Nutri-Lawn Vancouver, which creates a richer, sweeter soil for your grass roots. For this reason, eggshells are highly beneficial additions to your compost, if you have a compost pile for Vancouver lawn maintenance.

Get rid of thatch
If you don't know, thatch is the build up of natural detritus around the surface of your lawn. Thatch is a breeding place for disease and insects. It also prevents water and nutrients from absorbing into the soil.

Thatch can mostly be removed with raking and core aeration and can be prevented with healthy lawn maintenance services.

You're already on your way to a healthy lawn. If these tips have you interested in taking your lawn maintenance program to a new level, then request your complimentary quote from Nutri-Lawn Vancouver today!

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