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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Weed of the Week – Tall Fescue

By definition, a weed is considered a plant out of place….and when something is growing where you...

Don't Be Crabby: Crab Grass Prevention and Control

Crab grass is a type of annual grass. Once it takes up residence in your Ottawa lawn, it can be...

Do I Need to Dethatch?

Ottawa homeowners need to pay attention to thatch problems on their property. Composed of both...

Weed of the Week – Moss

Moss is a common problem in lawns that have areas with unfavourable growing conditions for the...

Nova Scotia Business Journal

Nutri-Lawn Nova Scotia was featured in the April edition of the Nova Scotia Business Journal.

April 2012 - Joe Tanner

It's with great pleasure that we share the story, the stats and the success of a great individual,...

How to Start a Lawn

There are many reasons why an Ottawa homeowner might need to try and reestablish their lawn....

How to Handle Fungus

Did you know there are hundreds of thousands of different kinds of lawn fungi naturally living in...

Watch Out for Lawn Rust

Want an excellent litmus (pH) test for how your lawn is growing? See if the grass has gone rusty....

Bugs That Will Benefit Your Ottawa Lawn

It's everyone's worst nightmare to find that bugs have invaded their carefully tended Ottawa lawn....