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The Grass Experts

Learn about all things lawn care, from weed control to insect control and everything in between. Get turf tips and tricks from the experts, or download our free seasonal lawn care guides.

Yes - You Should Overseed Every Spring!

Overseeding is one of the many lawn care maintenance services Nutri-Lawn Ottawa offers, but why do...

How Soon Can I Fertilize My Lawn?

The warmer spring days have sprung and the grass is beginning to green up, so when should you apply...

Most Popular Lawn Fertilizers for Vancouver

In Canada, even here on the West Coast, cool season grasses are the primary choice for turf grass....

What's The Deal With Lawn Thatch?

A little bit of thatch is perfectly fine for your lawn. An acceptable amount helps protect the...

The Importance Of Spring Fertilizer

Ahhhh, Spring. The best time of year for lawn care! Now that the weather is a little better, it's...

When Is the Best Time to Aerate and Overseed in Vancouver?

Aerating and planting grass is a great way to keep your lawn lush, healthy and green, but done at...

When Should You Aerate Your Lawn?

Maintaining a healthy lawn takes work and proper timing. Doing the right thing but at the wrong...

5 Things To Consider When Seeding A Lawn

Seeding is a great way to freshen up the lawn, and give it a much need minor renovation. If you're...

Spring is the Time To Lime Your Lawn

Early Spring is an ideal time to lime your lawn, and is a great way to further improve your soil...

Winter Lawn Care: Snow Mold Disease

Snow mold is a fungal turfgrass disease that commonly affects lawns in early spring. The Symptoms...