Rob Baxby, Nutri-Lawn Kingston, pays tribute to a friend and a customer - - Major Danny McLeod - - a Canadian hero who inspired many through his military and sports accomplishments and leadership.
Danny McLeod died January 14th, 2014 at the age of 92. Mr. McLeod was a Nutri-Lawn customer for over 15 years. “He was, in my estimation, one of a kind.” He will be sorely missed at Nutri-Lawn Kingston, where he was a client and friend since we opened in 1997.
At the funeral, while delivering the eulogy, Ted Nurse told the crowd how much "the Major" loved his lawn in his retirement years. We will miss him very much at Nutri-Lawn Southeastern Ontario. If you would like to read more about Maj. Danny McLeod, he has a book out: “Always a Leader” by Ted Nurse.

Major (Retired) William John "Danny" McLeod