Maintaining a beautiful, healthy lawn isn't as difficult as one might think. All you need is an energy-efficient inground irrigation system and a trusty lawnmower. Proper watering and mowing practices can go a long way to transforming the look and feel of your lawn. These are just a few tips from the knowledgeable technicians here at Nutri-Lawn Ottawa.
Lawn Watering Best Practices
The grass in your lawn is like a flower: it needs proper hydration in order to stay green and healthy. When it comes to watering your lawn, always remember to:
- Schedule your inground sprinkler system to water during the morning hours. It's important to water during the morning because this is when the sun is at its weakest. If you water during the heat of the afternoon, the water from your inground sprinkler system could act like a magnifying glass, reflecting the sun directly onto your lawn.
- Water deeply and infrequently. In order to keep your lawn looking pristine, Nutri-Lawn recommends scheduling a thorough watering (about 1 inch) every 5 to 7 days. A rain-sensing inground sprinkler system is highly recommended, as it will only water your yard when necessary.
- Be mindful of your watering schedule when applying lawncare treatments. Different lawn treatments require different amounts of water in order to work properly. For example, beneficial nematode treatments require that you water both prior to and after the treatment has been applied. Always ask your Nutri-Lawn technician for any specific watering instructions when booking a lawncare treatment.

Lawn Mowing Tips that Work
There's a right way, (and a very wrong way!) to cut your lawn. At Nutri-Lawn Ottawa, we recommend:
- Using your clippings as mulch. Freshly cut grass is full of rich nutrients and moisture. When you're done mowing your lawn, simply distribute your clippings evenly over the surface of your yard. Just keep an eye out for any overly large clumps. When a large pile of grass decomposes it can often kill the healthy turf that is beneath it.
- Cutting your lawn before a lawncare application, not after. If your lawn is scheduled for a Nutri-Lawn treatment, remember to mow the grass a few days prior to the appointment. If you mow the grass on your Ottawa property immediately following a lawncare treatment, you run the risk of your grass "tipping". This is when the very tips of your grass become discoloured. If you forget and do cut your lawn directly after a treatment, don't worry. This is only a temporary issue. Your lawn will grow out and the discolouration will be removed the next time you mow the lawn.
- Setting your mower blade to a height of 2 ½ - 3 inches. One of the most common mistakes that Ottawa homeowners make when cutting their lawn is setting the blade too low. When cutting your lawn, your goal should be to trim away just the top third of the grass blade. When you cut your lawn at a higher height, the remaining blade helps to shade the roots, allowing them to grow deep and strong.