Are you looking to increase lawn fertility with the help of lawn maintenance services? Sounds like you could use a healthy helping of topsoil. Adding topsoil to your turf won't just improve the look of your lawn, but it will also improve water retention and the overall benefits of your lawn maintenance in Ottawa services. Read on to find out what topsoil is and how it may be able to save your nutrient-starved lawn.
What is Topsoil and Why is it Important for Lawn Maintenance in Ottawa?
Topsoil is a lot like it sounds: the top layer of soil on your lawn. Generally, it's about 2" thick, and it's normally the most fertile and nutrient packed layer of soil in your yard. This is because it contains all of the things a healthy lawn needs – worms, bacteria, microorganisms, and organic matter. Want to spoil your lawn with rich nutrients? Then check out Nutri-Lawn's Organics Plus Topdressing for an instant boost of grassy goodness.
Applying topsoil, or topdressing, to your lawn's surface will return health to your yard as well as improve the drainage. You can also use it to regrow bare or dead areas of the yard.
When is it Time To Topdress?
Topdressing can be done in either the spring or the autumn, depending on the routine of your lawn maintenance services.
With that being said, the best time to do it is annually in the fall. You'll get all the benefits of topdressing without having to worry about pesky weeds trying to establish themselves. Those nutrients will help build a strong root system before the upcoming winter.
How To Prepare for Topdressing Lawn Maintenance Services
There are a few things that should be kept in mind when planning to add topdressing to your lawn maintenance schedule. These techniques should be done before topdressing is added to ensure your lawn gets the full benefits.
1) Aerate the soil. Core aeration helps remove the debris from the lawn and allows the topdressing to enter deeper into the lawn. Our core aeration services will ensure your lawn is properly maintained.
2) Dethatch. This is another step to ensure that the unnecessary is removed from your yard to prepare your grass to soak up all the nutrients from the topdressing. Thatch, the layer of organic matter that has yet to fully decompose, will prevent your yard from reaping the complete benefits of topdressing by mixing in with it. Get your lawn dethatched by Nutri-Lawn this year.
How To Apply Topdressing
While our topdressing services will provide you with a quality application, you may want to know how it's done. The best thing to remember about topdressing is that you want a nice balance. It can't be too thick or too thin because you won't get the benefits you're aiming for.
It's important to note that if you apply the topdressing too thick you may end up killing some of your grass. This can be a costly mistake. And if the topdressing is too thin, you'll have to repeat the process. This is because your lawn won't be able to take enough of the necessary nutrients.
The best topdressing thickness is between ½" and ¾" thick. Rake evenly across the whole lawn, without allowing the topdressing to stay on the surface. You want to make sure that the topdressing is attaining depth beyond simply resting on the grass – it needs to penetrate down into the soil.
For the best topdressing lawn maintenance services, request a quote from Nutri-Lawn Ottawa today!