By: Shawn Karn, The Grass Expert on Jul 29, 2015 2:22:59 PM
Giant Hogweed is becoming a pandemic in many rural and suburban areas. This plant is known for its grandure size, it is an invassive, noxious weed that emits a sap that can cause blisters and potential blindness if it comes in contact with the eyes.
To make sure you are fully protected from this plant you must be able to accurately and effectively identify the plant, be aware of where it grows, how common the plant is and what to do if this invasive and potetntially harmful is spotted.
1. How to identify Giant Hogweed:
2. Where does Giant Hogweed grow?
3. What to do if you have spotted Giant Hogweed?
If you spot the Giant Hogweed we urge you to NOT come in contact with the plant and to call Nutrilawn immediately as our trained staff know how to handle, remove and dispose of the toxic plant in the most effective and safe way. The plant should be left untouched, because of the sap photoreactive properties you may recieve an intense burn or blistering immediately and if in contact with eyes can cause blindness temporarily or permanently.
We urge you to not try to control this invasssive toxic plant on your own and to let the trained staff at Nutrilawn handle the removal and disposal.
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