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3 min read

Gearing Up For Fall Lawn Care

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When people think of lawn care, they usually think of spring and summer maintenance – weeding, mowing, fertilizing and irrigation. But what happens when September hits? Don't just go through the motions of caring for your lawn this autumn, knowing that the first frost will soon halt any growth. Fall is a great time to repair summer lawn damage and set the stage for a healthy lawn come springtime. Here are a few quick tips from Nutri-Lawn's Irrigation professionals to get you started on your fall lawn care.

Check for Soil Health

Now is a great time to check the nutrients in your soil. If your soil is tired and no longer providing grass with optimum growing conditions, consider rejuvenating it with our Organics Plus Topdressing. This lawn care product is the jack-of-all-trades when it comes to topsoil:

  • It adds important nutrients to the lawn.
  • It assists in moisture retention.
  • It helps protect the lawn from disease.
  • It speeds up thatch decomposition

You'll notice a difference in your soil within 30 days, but the benefits will last a lot longer than that!

Get Tough About Your Fall Lawn Care

During the spring and summer, thatch has had plenty of time to build up. While a bit of thatch is great for the health of your lawn, if you have too much of a good thing, you could end up suffocating your grass. If your lawn has more than half an inch of thatch, contact Nutri-Lawn Ottawa about our core aeration services.

Aeration will help your existing thatch decompose and it will open up the soil to more oxygen. What's more, the holes left by the aeration will help out with the next two tips as well: overseeing and fall fertilizing.

It's Time to Be Seedy

During the first part of September, put down some fresh seed. A nice, thick lawn will help combat crab grass and other weeds. The bonus is that with the cooler fall temperatures, you could see the fruits of your labour in as little as two weeks. The holes left from the aeration will allow the seeds to land deep into the soil and get right to work. Ask how Nutri-Lawn Ottawa's Overseeding services can give your lawn the fall boost it's been craving.

Proper Fall Care Includes Regular Feedings

If you're applying fresh seed to your lawn in September, aim to do it around Labour Day. Give the seed some time to grow, and then follow it up with an application of fertilizer towards the end of September. The improvement in your lawn will be dramatic and it will start to recover from the scorching summer damage. However, don't stop there. Another feeding later in the fall will lock in the early gains made from September's seeding and fertilizing.

But keep in mind that grass needs food and water. After you fertilize, keep your lawn hydrated with a good watering from your irrigation system.

Invest in Nutri-Lawn's Irrigation Services

With all of that aeration, seeding and feeding you've been doing, now is not the time to slack off on your watering practices. Water your grass deeply and less often in order to encourage your new seeds to grow deep, strong roots. If rainfall alone isn't cutting it, then ask Nutri-Lawn Ottawa's Irrigation professionals how our sprinkler systems can contribute to Ottawa water conservation.

For a thick, green lawn come spring, then you need to kick start your fall lawn care now. With the help from our Ottawa Irrigation team, your lawn will be lush and healthy well into the fall. Visit our website to request a free quote today.